Very Nice !!
few remarks on the article :
1. kafka-consumer deployment is "0" replicas
2. link to keda/kafka is broken , the correct link is
3. you need to first do
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
otherwise the minikube will not have access to docker deamon
4. in kafka-scaledobject.yaml you need to use the keda namesapce not the default namesapce
5. I dont see a code for commit the consumer offset in the Consumer code
6. if you create a topic with single partition there is not much meaning to scaling here.
7. you always send to partition "0" -> again , this is not scalable and there is no much sense in scaling more pods since only 1 pod will be able to read from it.
8. well done for choosing Vertx ! clean + simple.